Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014

We have p day today actually, so i get to write back! Actually i had the farthest thing from an empty mailbox, I have so many emails Im struggling to answer them all in time haha. It's nice to feel loved.

We had what's called infield orientation yesterday, where we do a crapload of roleplaying of different situations and different kinds of teachings that you might encounter in the field. I'm not a big roleplaying fan so I just didn't enjoy that much to be honest, but you can still learn a lot if you try.

I just feel impressed to say a few words about mothers, and my mother. I don't really know why, and you can skip this next part if for whatever reasons you have something against mothers. Anyways, I love my mom very very much. SHe's one of the greatest people that I've ever known. They say that when someone has come unto Christ, that person loves everyone regardless of what type of person they are, what they are doing currently, or what they've done in the past. I definitely see that in my Mom a lot of the time. Of course she struggles occasionally, but everyone does and that's only natural. She is consistently one of the most loving people I know. I bought a t-shirt the other because I missed my mom. It says stripling warriors-mommas boys. I think that story, of the stripling warirors might be my favorite in all of the scriptures. I love where it says that they knew of a surety that things things are true, because their mothers knew it and taught them. How important is it then, for mothers? One of the most powerful stories of all time, happened because there were mothers who did exactly what they were supposed to do, and then more. Those young men could not have succeeded were it not for the incredible strength of their mothers. And I know that I could not have succeeded anywhere if I did not have my mother. Kids, love your mothers.

So I now that I have sufficiently buttered my mother up, I'm going to say something that will completely terrify her. I got in a bit of an accident a few days ago. I wasn't even gonna write home about it, because I didn't want to worry you mom, but now that I have more information about it and what exactly is happening I figure I should. So I was playing basketball, and long story short after jumping i came down on the side of my ankle, a lot like when I broke my foot last time, but this time it was much more extreme and on my other foot. It wasn't fun at all, and it was pretty painful. I had to leave the MTC for a few hours to see a doctor and get x rays. Turns out, its the kind of injury where it's not broken but may have been better if it was. Its a high ankle sprain, with a bunch of other tendon things thrown in there. I can actually get along just fine with a walking boot, but I have little to no feeling in my foot, and without the boot there's not much strength in it at all. I have stretches and excercices that I do daily to build the muscle back up, so hopefully they are helping and I will get back to full strength.

The good news in all this is that I most likely will still arrive to Ogden on time. I can walk with the boot and be fine, so that is great. It shouldn't cause much issue, unless the doctors or Ogden mission president decide otherwise I'll still be leaving the MTCTtuesday morning. However, on the off chance I do stay, I most likely will be reassigned to Ogden Spanish speaking, or Ogden ASL, which would be really cool. 

Don't worry too much, I'm ok!

love -Elder Walker


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