Thursday, June 5, 2014

May 13, 2014

Sorry, for some reason Gmail won't let me send all 80 of my pictures, I can't imagine why. Oh well, here's just a few. I'll try to send more as the weeks go by!

Mission life is very good but moving very slowly. We are really struggling to find people who want to listen to us and want to be taught. That's frustrating. A lot of people will be happy to sit and talk with us and be friendly, but the minute we start talking church they shut us down. A little discouraging, but we get work done nonetheless. A lot of people need service done in their yards or around their house, and we've done so much lately. It's not exactly missionary work but it's something, and it helps people out. They feel a little bit of Christ's love and if that's all we can do for them, then so be it I suppose. 

So. Here's the deal. So many people are talking about Spider-Man 2, and it just tears me up inside. That was like my most anticipated movie for basically my entire life. What I am doing now is definitely more important than a movie, but still. It's like I have nurtured this baby for 20 years, done my best to take care of it, even through the early years when people told me that it wasn't cool to like this baby and that I was a nerd and awkward for liking, even loving it. And now, my baby has been kidnapped and paraded in front of me, and I can no longer hold my baby... I don't know if any of that makes sense. Basically, Spider-Man is my baby that has been stolen from me, and I can't do anything about it. I even have my Spider-Man 2 shirt on right now! That's pretty much as close as I can get to it. Bummer. But, I will see it eventually. And I know I will love it.

I'm sorry I don't have a ton to write about this week because of two things. One, nothing has really happened that is funny or even of note. I'm just a regular, boring missionary doing missionary things. Oh wait no. One story that is semi-funny. We were talking to some nonmemebers on the street, and I was telling them how they too can receive the blessings of the Gospel. I said, "One great way to do that is to..." And I froze. I wanted to say get baptized! But I for some reason the words just wouldn't come out. So instead I said... "Um... If you wanna fell GOd's love for you, you can do baptism?" I literally said it as a question and it was so embarrassing. Needless to say, we won't be meeting with them again.

Also, another story I just remembered. We were doing service at this old lady's yard who lives right next to the high school. I was in work clothes, not a suit, so basically a t shirt and shorts. I was digging up her destroyed front lawn and just getting rid of it so we can plant new stuff, so I was bent over and my apparently quite attractive rear end was pointing out toward the road. A car full of high school girls drove by and they slowed down, honked their horn and said "wow Elder Handsome thank you!!!" So that was embarrassing.

Well... Sorry I'm boring. Normally I feel like I have a lot more to say. Hmm... Don't be stupid. Use common sense and wisdom. Do the right thing. Be nice to your mothers. Yep. That's about it for today. everyone write to me more!!!

-Elder Walker


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