Thursday, June 5, 2014

May 20, 2014

What's so crazy?I am emailing right now... So I may not see your email for a while but thats ok. Did you Slade and Brett get my letters?

So I had a pretty weird week too, but not bad. Just weird. It started last p-day. We woke up really early to try and get everything done and then we were so tired that we literally ended up just driving in circles doing nothing. We didn't take into account that most of the stores would be closed that early, so we drove around trying to find one that was, until we just gave up and went back to our apartment to study haha. So I didn't even get any shopping done last week, because we were so exhausted that we forgot what p day was for.

A few days later we were in North Logan for some YSA work (I don't know if I mentioned this before, but we cover the YSA stake as well as the Smithfield South Stake, so technically we cover North Logan to Preston. We just usually stay in the Smithfield/Logan area.). We met with a relief society president who gave us the names of some nonmembers and less active people in the area. That was a good meeting. Afterwards, we finished earlier than we thought so we decided to check in with all the names we had been given. We went to one house where we were let in, and immediately we see tobacco cans strewn all over the ground and it just smells bad. The guy was very friendly though and talked to us for a while, till his parents and whole family came in too. That was when I noticed the loaded pistol sitting right on their tv. I started to get a little nervous, because while this is a rural place and guns are common, it's less common to see a loaded one just chilling on top of Oprah. So I finally pointed it out, and the guy goes "oh $#!+ I forgot that was there!" He grabbed it and ran off to put it away. That was a little weird. When we came back, he said "Ahhh better get that one too" and I was so confused because I didn't know that there was more guns, but he then grabbed a bag directly behind me that definitely had some kind of assault rifle or machine gun crazy thing inside of it. We talked a bit more with the family, and they basically said that they're just too lazy to get to church even though it's literally in their backyard. We decided we'd better leave them alone for now.

We also randomly got a tire punctured in our car, so we had to stop at a church and sit there and get the tire off, put the spare on, then drive and wait at the shop for it to be fixed. All in all it was about 2 hours of just sitting, waiting for our car to be fixed. We couldn't really do anything, because we were way out of our area and only there for the car. That was annoying. But you'd all be proud that I can change a tire. I didn't even know how, but apparently it's not very hard! Even Elder Walker can do it! Also, the people in Cache Valley are super nice and helpful... except for when they see you in a church parking lot, changing a tire in a suit. Then they just drive by and make fun of you.

We met another guy in that same North Logan area was legit either super on hard drugs, or just straight up insane. He pulled us over outside his house and went on about how the kid next door needs to be saved because his language is so befouled and corrupted with the swears of the world. Now, swearing is not encouraged but there is better things that missionaries can be doing than talking to every little kid and telling them not to swear. Elder Ambrose asked him what his name was, and he seriously wouldn't tell us. He just kept saying, "you don't need to know my name, it is of no importance. My name is synonomus with the church and I have already been saved." When we just said ok, we gotta go, we said that's fine "but remember, my name is the church." So weird. SO creepy and weird.

Immediately after that, a family yelled from their window "ELDERS!!! COME INSIDE!!!!" So, we did. They were really nice at first, but proved to be super weird as well. They just wanted to talk to us, and give us all this weird soup that they had made. They informed us that someone they love very much had gone to the Logan Hospital and waved around guns and ran through the halls... so naturally the police came and shot him and he's now in the hospital he was terrorizing. The crazy part though, is this family said, "We've known that man a long time and we just know that he wouldn't do that without a reason. So we are sure that even though it seems crazy, he had a very good reason for doing what he did." Elder Ambrose and I just looked at each other and said "K BYE" and literally ran straight to our car. We agreed that it would be a loooooong time until (if ever) we go back to that crazy North Logan neighborhood where we got a flat, and met some super crazy disturbing people. Don't do drugs kids, they screw you up big time.

In cooler news, we helped this guy named John B. put up drywall in his basement and through that he agreed to meet with us. He's a nonmember and is actually going to be the first nonmember I get to teach, so that'll be exciting.

Let's see............ Hmmm. I don't know what else to talk about. Crazy times. But it's tons of fun. Oooooh one more thing. Elder Ambrose is super good at guitar, like crazy good. And I'm a fairly decent singer, and word got around, so actually this sunday we are performing some stuff in sacrament meetings all over, and have permission for him play guitar. So that's kinda cool and exciting.

EVERYONE SHOULD WRITE ME LETTERS AND EMAILS please I'll be so happy I'll explode in a flaming ball of ecstasy 

-Elder Walker
Jacob 6:12

oh also tell Sister Butler to get those names of people she knows in Smithfield to me! That would actually be super cool and helpful!!!!

And another thing haha. Here are some pictures of a hike we took this morning to the wind caves in logan canyon. There's me, Elder Ambrose my companion, and Elder Jensen, who is Sister Tisdale's cousin


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