Friday, June 6, 2014

June 3, 2014

Anyways, I'm back!!!! Crazy awesome things happened today on my pday. Long story short, I now am the proud owner of a mandolin!!! We were exploring pawn shops today and I found one that was awesome and had a case that I wanted too, and suuuuuper cheap so I did it. Crazy awesome steal, and now I have a mandolin. That makes me so happy. The owners of the shop were members as well and so they gave me a ridiculous discount too. We also went crazy at Desert Book and everyone in the district bought a new CD there, so we now have tons of Tabernacle Choir, Piano Guys, Alex Boye, all this good stuff. Fun fun fun times. Can you believe I have almost been out two months!!!

I think my favorite chapter in the book of mormon is now 2 nephi 4. It's so good. It ranks right up there with Jacob 6. Every time I read 2 Nephi 4 I always come away feeling better than I did before, regardless of whether I am feeling super happy or a little down. It's a great time.

So tonight is my first lesson with an actual person who is not technically a member of the church. That's exciting. It feels weird when i look back and realize that literally everything that I have done lesson-wise the past two months has been with less active people. So crazy. I hope you are all doing well! Write to me again because it's the best thing ever to get letters, I have so many stamps and return address stickers I havent got to use yet... Hint hint! :)

-Elder Walker

Jacob 6:12

PS to Eric
We still go to the gym, usually 4 or 5 times a week. I used to be really good at working the whole time, but now I'm realizing I just literally don't know what to do when I'm there so I just kind of.... curl haha. So a routine would be great. I can also do a little leg stuff though so that's fine. 

But yeah no I don't need a bike right now. I will email you guys ASAP if I ever do, but I'll be staying here in Smithfield with my trainer for this next transfer and we have a car, so no need for a bike for the next six weeks.

We are actually doing a musical fireside in the three weeks as an entire mission in Logan. And technically, anyone is allowed to go to it, even family members. So if you guys find yourselves in Logan or Ogden this month... You can go!

Anyways that's about it for now. Tell my poopy siblings to write to me more!


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