Thursday, June 5, 2014

May 20, 2014 to Eric

Ahhhh crazy week. I talked about it in my big email so you should definitely read that to see how crazy things were. 

We've actually found a husband and wife to teach who are super cool. Right when you walk in their (gigantic) house there is immediately within the door a giant shrine to Star Wars and sci-fi in general, full of books, statues, and other crazy cool things. Then, you take a few more steps inside and there is a giant shrine to Lord of the Rings. So basically we get along really well.

Funny story quick. I forgot to put this in my big email so you can tell whoever you feel like or just add it in, but we had stake conference this weekend and got a new stake president. So, that means we had some general authorities present. It was two elders from the 70, Elder Stanley G. Ellis and Elder Gary B. Porter. They were really good and had so many good messages, but randomly during Elder Porter's talk he said, "Elder Walker. Get up here." I was terrified and had no idea. I'd never been called by a General Authority! HE asked me to recite the missionary purpose, which thankfully I had memorized. So I was able to do that. He kept me up there, just standing next to him, while he talked about how members need to do more missionary work and help us out. Pretty intimidating but kinda cool I guess.

So things are going pretty good. My district is super close, all our areas are pretty much down the street from each other since there's so many members and we all get along really well. We call our district "Bat-Corn" because we all love batman and our DL is obssessed with corn. He says that corn is celestial and cannot be destroyed. I'm not sure where he's coming from but whatever floats his boat. 

Anyways. that's all I've got for now.

-Elder Walker

Jacob 6:12


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