Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014

Ok so for real, buy me that tie and send it to me haha.

So surprise surprise, transfers were today and my trainer and I are staying in Smithfield. Seeing as how we were straight up told that we would be staying for two transfers the first day we got together, it wasn't much of an eventful time. We will just go back to work! 

So crazy crazy crazy thing happened. So cool here it is.  So here in our area we've been struggling to find nonmembers who are receptive to being taught by us. We were working so hard and fasting and praying, but nothing seemed to work. It got a little discouraging, to the point that we even had our zone leaders come with us one day to give us feedback on how we were working and what we can improve on. They said that honestly it's just a hard area and that no matter how much we try to bring the Spirit, if the people refuse to listen we can't change that. So we just kept working and trying. But one day, completely randomly we got a referral from a member about this 15 year old guy who had gone to scout camp with his friends. While he was there, he felt the Spirit so strong that he even bore his testimony and said that he really felt the church was true. Apparently he asked his friends if he could take the missionary lessons. So we literally drove like 80 mph to go see him ASAP. He answered the door and said, "Elders! I'm so glad you're here! I want to get baptized so I can go on a mission too!" My companion and I were just kind of like.... WOW ok we can do that!!! Haha it was so crazy but sooo cool! I know that if we have faith and ALWAYS work diligently and happily, no matter how unsuccessful we are, eventually God puts people in our path that he has prepared. I know that the people will not always be as prepared as this example (haha but I wish), but it's still a great testimony builder. 

I got sick again last week! I don't know why I keep getting sick!!! It's so annoying. We had to spend a whole day just in the apartment because I could not stop throwing up. So yeah... that happened. But it's ok. I actually read a suuuuuper cool church history book that was all deep and interesting. And then I read every single Bruce R. McConkie talk from General Conference ever. So that was fun. I love Bruce R. McConkie. And James E. Talmage. They are like, my spirit bros. Every time I read something from them it's just like yep yep yep this guy knows. They are so so super cool I can't even handle it. One super old guy in my area always answers the question "how are you doing?" by saying "Not as good as Bruce R. McConkie, but still good." True story. I really really desperately wanna read McConkie's book Mormon Doctrine, because apparently it's just insane and crazy. But I can't find it anywhere. We saw another book at Deseret Book called The Lincoln Theory. I didn't buy it because obviously I cannot afford it, but I read a little bit of it and it sounds SO COOL. Cole and Dad should definitely find it and read it because it sounds like something they would love.

So sad thing now. The mission changed the rules for the musical fireside, and now families are not allowed to go. Sorry. That's a major bummer for me too because I was excited. Like unless somehow your family ends up living in the mission in either Ogden or Logan, they can't go. Sad day.

I love my mandolin. It makes me so happy. 

I knew you would like a new phone haha. There was nothing really old and bad about it, but the new ones are just better. 

So, my siblings still don't write me letters. That should change. All four of you. WRITE ME A LETTER SO I DONT HAVE SO MUCH RAGE!!!

I love you all and I miss Krispy Kreme!!!

-Elder Walker
Jacob 6:12

ANyways, that's all I have for now. Let me know if you guys have any questions or stuff. 


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