Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Zach sent this yesterday and I just found it in my email!  Looks like he ran into Jacob Secrist, who was a great friend in Moses Lake!

Sister Tisdale!!

Photo: Look who I found today :D

Heather Tisdale, who served her mission here, was in Smithfield last Saturday and got to take Zach and Elder Ambrose to lunch!!  Thank you Heather!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

I did hear that USA won. that is good! Honestly it's hard to not hear about the World Cup. But I still like hearing about it in emails too.

So not much has happened lately of note. We've taught a lot of lessons to those basically golden investigators from before, but that's about it. I have not much exciting stuff to report. Sorry.

Also, here's what you can do. I don't need a chess set or anything like that. Send me mandolin strings! That would honestly be so cool. I can't tell you how much I would absolutely love being constantly sent mandolin strings haha. We ate at this members house the other day. It was an older couple, late sixties I think. I'm kinda famous in the mission for playing mandolin now, so he recognized me and was like, "Elder Walker, I have something to show you!" He proceeded to pull out a legit 120 year old mandolin that was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen. He said that his grandpa played it as background music to silent movies a waaaay long time ago, like that was his job. So that was cool. I got to play it and it was the coolest thing ever.

Elder Ambrose and I arranged Jesus, Lover of My Soul for the fireside we are in. We harmonize and he plays guitar and I play mandolin. It's pretty cool I have to say. We have similar ears (musically at least) and so we've found it pretty easy to arrange cool stuff. 

Welp... That's all I got for now. Don't do drugs, stay in school. One day I'll remember to send pictures.

-Elder Walker

Ethan is a 15 year old kid we are teaching who is super amazing. we get along super well and love all the same sports. haha. But he is getting baptized on july 5th and I am so excited for that!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014

Ok so for real, buy me that tie and send it to me haha.

So surprise surprise, transfers were today and my trainer and I are staying in Smithfield. Seeing as how we were straight up told that we would be staying for two transfers the first day we got together, it wasn't much of an eventful time. We will just go back to work! 

So crazy crazy crazy thing happened. So cool here it is.  So here in our area we've been struggling to find nonmembers who are receptive to being taught by us. We were working so hard and fasting and praying, but nothing seemed to work. It got a little discouraging, to the point that we even had our zone leaders come with us one day to give us feedback on how we were working and what we can improve on. They said that honestly it's just a hard area and that no matter how much we try to bring the Spirit, if the people refuse to listen we can't change that. So we just kept working and trying. But one day, completely randomly we got a referral from a member about this 15 year old guy who had gone to scout camp with his friends. While he was there, he felt the Spirit so strong that he even bore his testimony and said that he really felt the church was true. Apparently he asked his friends if he could take the missionary lessons. So we literally drove like 80 mph to go see him ASAP. He answered the door and said, "Elders! I'm so glad you're here! I want to get baptized so I can go on a mission too!" My companion and I were just kind of like.... WOW ok we can do that!!! Haha it was so crazy but sooo cool! I know that if we have faith and ALWAYS work diligently and happily, no matter how unsuccessful we are, eventually God puts people in our path that he has prepared. I know that the people will not always be as prepared as this example (haha but I wish), but it's still a great testimony builder. 

I got sick again last week! I don't know why I keep getting sick!!! It's so annoying. We had to spend a whole day just in the apartment because I could not stop throwing up. So yeah... that happened. But it's ok. I actually read a suuuuuper cool church history book that was all deep and interesting. And then I read every single Bruce R. McConkie talk from General Conference ever. So that was fun. I love Bruce R. McConkie. And James E. Talmage. They are like, my spirit bros. Every time I read something from them it's just like yep yep yep this guy knows. They are so so super cool I can't even handle it. One super old guy in my area always answers the question "how are you doing?" by saying "Not as good as Bruce R. McConkie, but still good." True story. I really really desperately wanna read McConkie's book Mormon Doctrine, because apparently it's just insane and crazy. But I can't find it anywhere. We saw another book at Deseret Book called The Lincoln Theory. I didn't buy it because obviously I cannot afford it, but I read a little bit of it and it sounds SO COOL. Cole and Dad should definitely find it and read it because it sounds like something they would love.

So sad thing now. The mission changed the rules for the musical fireside, and now families are not allowed to go. Sorry. That's a major bummer for me too because I was excited. Like unless somehow your family ends up living in the mission in either Ogden or Logan, they can't go. Sad day.

I love my mandolin. It makes me so happy. 

I knew you would like a new phone haha. There was nothing really old and bad about it, but the new ones are just better. 

So, my siblings still don't write me letters. That should change. All four of you. WRITE ME A LETTER SO I DONT HAVE SO MUCH RAGE!!!

I love you all and I miss Krispy Kreme!!!

-Elder Walker
Jacob 6:12

ANyways, that's all I have for now. Let me know if you guys have any questions or stuff. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

More Pictures From Members

This kind member wanted me to see pictures of Elder Walker in action!!!

June 3, 2014

Anyways, I'm back!!!! Crazy awesome things happened today on my pday. Long story short, I now am the proud owner of a mandolin!!! We were exploring pawn shops today and I found one that was awesome and had a case that I wanted too, and suuuuuper cheap so I did it. Crazy awesome steal, and now I have a mandolin. That makes me so happy. The owners of the shop were members as well and so they gave me a ridiculous discount too. We also went crazy at Desert Book and everyone in the district bought a new CD there, so we now have tons of Tabernacle Choir, Piano Guys, Alex Boye, all this good stuff. Fun fun fun times. Can you believe I have almost been out two months!!!

I think my favorite chapter in the book of mormon is now 2 nephi 4. It's so good. It ranks right up there with Jacob 6. Every time I read 2 Nephi 4 I always come away feeling better than I did before, regardless of whether I am feeling super happy or a little down. It's a great time.

So tonight is my first lesson with an actual person who is not technically a member of the church. That's exciting. It feels weird when i look back and realize that literally everything that I have done lesson-wise the past two months has been with less active people. So crazy. I hope you are all doing well! Write to me again because it's the best thing ever to get letters, I have so many stamps and return address stickers I havent got to use yet... Hint hint! :)

-Elder Walker

Jacob 6:12

PS to Eric
We still go to the gym, usually 4 or 5 times a week. I used to be really good at working the whole time, but now I'm realizing I just literally don't know what to do when I'm there so I just kind of.... curl haha. So a routine would be great. I can also do a little leg stuff though so that's fine. 

But yeah no I don't need a bike right now. I will email you guys ASAP if I ever do, but I'll be staying here in Smithfield with my trainer for this next transfer and we have a car, so no need for a bike for the next six weeks.

We are actually doing a musical fireside in the three weeks as an entire mission in Logan. And technically, anyone is allowed to go to it, even family members. So if you guys find yourselves in Logan or Ogden this month... You can go!

Anyways that's about it for now. Tell my poopy siblings to write to me more!

May 27, 2014

So I'll start off with the craziest story. Yesterday we ate at a barbecue at a member's home for Memorial Day. They are the Blotter family. I'm not sure if that's the most correct spelling but oh well. Anyways, Grandpa Blotter and I were talking and he mentioned that he served his mission in Switzerland. I said hey a lot of my family are from Switzerland and have the name Bartschi! And he's all, really no kidding? I know a Jeff Bartschi in Bear Lake really well. So I said funny story, I'm probably related to him. So then Grandpa Blotter calls up Jeff Bartschi, has me talk to him on the phone. Long story short, he's the son of the brother of my great grandpa, and is the same age and grew up with my Uncle Hal. Crazy small world.

Another funny story. Elder Ambrose and I are now the proud owners of a sword. Pretty cool right??? We were doing service for a family and moving a bunch of old plywood and things in their yard, it was super hot and it took forever. So the father of the family felt bad, and said "I want you elders to have this. If you say no, it's going to the DI, so take it now free or buy it later." And then, he handed us a real legit sword. So crazy! Today we are gonna get some rust remover and clean it up, but it's still so cool. I will send some more pictures of it later next week. For some reason none of the computers at the library have SD card slots, so until we email somewhere else I can't really send anything off my camera.

That cardboard cutout of me is soooo creepy looking haha. I didn't even recognize myself. Really weird, especially to see myself with honors cords, because sheesh I was nowhere near getting honors for anything!

Ahhhh that's about all I have. Sorry. Not much to say this week. Honestly I'm really tired. We've been doing a lot of service outside in the hot hot heat and my body is really worn out. I will try to write more next week. I love you all, even when you're poopy and don't write me letters!!!

-Elder Walker
Jacob 6:12

Elder Ambrose took this picture of me being abnormally excited to answer emails. Hope you are all feeling fantastic!

Sorry mother... I never followed up on my ankle. So here's the situation. There's a physical therapist couple in my area who has checked me out and given me some good advice and help. I now walk, and most likely will walk for the foreseeable future with a slight limp.
It's not super noticeable but it for sure is there, at least I can feel it. It's really easy to get sore still. I can do a lot more physical activity now, like sports and things. However, it's only for short amounts, usually 15-20 minutes. So I try and get as much activity on it as possible to build up the muscle again, because it basically got destroyed. By the end of the night when we go to bed I am always really sore and it's definitely painful. But, it's not bad enough that I can't walk or work. It's still usable and good enough.
It's just really frustrating and annoying. I wish it hadn't happened for sure, but I'm trying to just make it work and ignore it. It's the type of injury that I will be dealing with honestly for the entirety of my mission, and probably after as well, which sucks but oh well!
The harder I work the less it hurts

Mother's Day Phone Call!

Email from a nice member

Hello mothers! Being a mother of a missionary I had to share the pic of your boys. We had a wonderful lunch with them. They are great young men!

Sacrament Meeting Talk

I gave this talk twice this Sunday. It went really well! We also performed an arrangement of amazing grace which should be on Facebook soon, so keep your eyes open for it. I hope the talk makes you feel a little better haha.

Good morning everyone. My name is elder walker. I'm from south Denver Colorado. I'm super happy to be here  speaking, and I'm so happy to be a missionary as well, because it is the best. Before I was a missionary I was really into music, Spider-Man and batman, and the Denver broncos.

As a missionary in Utah, I've found myself in a few awkward situations. I've really come to know that missionary work is hard, frustrating, and sometimes scary. It really began when I got my call to the Utah Ogden mission. It started with just the stigma of being called to Utah. I honestly didn't care or really think about it at first. Then, other people started to find out. First my friends, with the constant "what sin have not confessed to that would get you sent to Utah???" The teasing started to wear me down. Then, informing my boss at the Lego store that I would no longer be playing with children's toys for a living because I was going to Utah for a mission. He looked at me, fairly puzzled and said, "well at least they'll be receptive to your message there, right?" My breaking point came when I was buying suits a few weeks before leaving. The salesman helping me out asked where I would be headed to for my mission. When I replied Ogden Utah, he nodded thoughtfully and said "well yeah I know you go there at first, but I mean where do you go after that?"

After that, I honestly got a little frustrated. I finally knelt down and prayed, is Ogden really where I'm supposed to go? I spent some long hours studying and really trying to figure out why on earth I would be called to Utah, where I was sure everyone would already be mormon and I would walk around just wearing a tag doing nothing. I came to know the answer that yes, I am supposed to go to Ogden and I would indeed be needed there, in a really startling way. I've never had an experience in my life where I received an answer to a prayer just right on the spot. My answers always came through a lot of prayer and study, over time. That night, I decided I'd just pop open the scriptures and read the first verse I saw. I never read that way, because I'd always liked to really study something specifically and in depth. This time I just went for it. The verse I read was dc 48 v1. It says, 1 It is necessary that ye should remain for the present time in your places of abode, as it shall be suitable to your circumstances.
(D&C 48:1). To me, it was pretty clear that for the present time I was meant to be in Ogden and it would be good for the circumstances around me. And I know for sure that's true now. So far, Utah has been such a good place and there is so so so much great work to be done.

I've performed in different plays, musicals and concerts hundreds of times, so I like to think I'm in control of my nerves. I could not have been more wrong.  In the weeks leading up to it, I started to get pretty nervous. I realized that as a missionary I would no longer have a script or lyrics right in front of me that I can just memorize and be fine. I was legitimately going to have to talk to real living people, and have real actual conversations. Some of you have nightmares about clowns. Some of you have nightmares about slenderman.
Some of you have nightmares about Jeffery r. Holland. I personally have incredibly disturbing nightmares where I have to walk around and talk to people about uncomfortable subjects all day long. Now, I literally live my nightmare everyday. But it's not a nightmare. It's living a dream.

The best part is it's a dream that all of you and us can live together.  I know many of you have already served missions and know how it is. The bottom line is missionary work is always going to be missionary work, no matter where you are. Every single soul has worth, and is great in the eyes of God. And, to make things even better, we are all in this together! President Gordon B. Hinckley taught: “So many of us look upon missionary work as simply tracting. Everyone who is familiar with this work knows there is a better way. That way is through the members of the Church. Whenever there is a member who introduces an investigator, there is an immediate support system. The member bears testimony of the truth of the work. He is anxious for the happiness of his investigator friend. He becomes excited as that friend makes progress in learning the gospel. (9: How Do I Find People to Teach?)" that's so true, especially in Utah. The vast majority of nonmembers in Utah have already been contacted around 700 times about the Lds church. They know who missionaries are, and they are constantly bombarded by them, because they are a minority. When we hear the word nonmember, that immediately becomes our priority, because there's honestly just so few of them, especially in Smithfield. Because of this, nonmembers are pretty sick of missionaries.

An invitation to church, to read the Book of Mormon, or just even to pray, means so much more coming from a friend than it does coming from a random missionary. You are trusted, known, and more loved than we are. We are annoying, one-note missionaries who seem to only care about baptism. That's true, and we want baptism so much because we love the gospel so much and know how it can bless everyone's lives. We want everyone to have it, so we go and preach it. As members though, you can be the steering wheel in the speeding race car of missionary work. We know the work is being hastened, and that it will continue to grow. We as missionaries will not slow down. What you can do is steer us to the most receptive places, so that rather than continually running over nonmembers, we drive by them and pull them into our car of baptism and blessings.

Missionary work is scary though. I know I rarely tried to do it before my mission, because I was afraid of losing a friend or offending someone. The one time I did actually try, it ended awful. It seemed completely golden to me at the time. A girl I sat by in one of my classes asked me out of the blue one day if she could have a Book of Mormon. I excitedly said yes and that I could bring it by the end of the work. She smiled and thanked me, and said she was excited to look over it. I called the elders in my area, explained the situation, and began meticulously highlighting all the best verses that my friend could read. I wrote several drafts of my testimony till it was finally perfect, then wrote it in the front cover in my neatest, 7th grade handwriting. Finally, I delivered the finished product to her. She was so excited and quickly put it in her bag and left. I kid you not about what happens next. That weekend, she took it to her pastor, who taught her a crash course on how to prove the Book of Mormon wrong, and literally began walking the hallways of the school preaching the evils of the satanic mormon cult.

You may wonder why I share a bad experience when I'm trying to persuade to the need of doing missionary work. It's simple as this.
While that is definitely an extreme, often times missionary work does not end how we would plan or even like it to end. We can role play and rehearse lessons and conversations as much as we want, but they never really end up anything close to what actually happens. Rarely will someone be completely open and prepared to receive the gospel and be baptized immediately. Conversion is always possible through the spirit, but it does take time. If someone is not open to receiving that spirit and being open, sadly we cannot force them to feel it.
What will happen though, is that we will slowly improve, and quickly receive the blessings that come from missionary work. Comfort, happiness and new friends all come from the work. And I testify that as the work continues, as you push forward despite the hardships and rejections, people do appear in your path that are genuinely prepared in their own way to receive the gospel. Some are more prepared than others, but it is up to us all to find those receptive to the message.

We know that God has prepared and is still preparing his beloved children to know of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. 1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men. 2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day. 3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work; 4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;
5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work. 6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence. 7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen. (D&C 4:1-7).

If you have any desire at all to share the gospel, you are called to do so. Do not fear that calling. God qualifies you, and trusts you to do the work that is needed. We can do whatever that need is, whether we merely plant a seed or we harvest an entire field, as God has told us they are ready. We can rely on the savior and the Holy Ghost to make us so much more than what we are now. I testify that he would not have called the two skinniest, whitest, and nerdiest boys in the church to serve together if he did not plan on strengthening us so far beyond what we are capable of. Through myself, I am capable of waking up in the morning and eating a few pop tarts, maybe some toast thrown in if I'm feeling motivated. Through Jesus Christ, if I were to completely throw myself away and have faith in him and his atonement, I would be capable of converting nations. Brothers and sisters, let us take the steps we all need to as missionaries of Jesus Christ The Lord to become more effective servants, to bring the gospel to as many as we can, and to preach the message of salvation. As we do so, i testify to you that the blessings you receive from the work will be so numerous that you will have not room enough to receive them all. Be brave, be wise, be yourself, and teach with the spirit. You will find that really, in the end, that is all you need.

-Elder Walker

Jacob 6:12

Thursday, June 5, 2014

May 20, 2014 to Eric

Ahhhh crazy week. I talked about it in my big email so you should definitely read that to see how crazy things were. 

We've actually found a husband and wife to teach who are super cool. Right when you walk in their (gigantic) house there is immediately within the door a giant shrine to Star Wars and sci-fi in general, full of books, statues, and other crazy cool things. Then, you take a few more steps inside and there is a giant shrine to Lord of the Rings. So basically we get along really well.

Funny story quick. I forgot to put this in my big email so you can tell whoever you feel like or just add it in, but we had stake conference this weekend and got a new stake president. So, that means we had some general authorities present. It was two elders from the 70, Elder Stanley G. Ellis and Elder Gary B. Porter. They were really good and had so many good messages, but randomly during Elder Porter's talk he said, "Elder Walker. Get up here." I was terrified and had no idea. I'd never been called by a General Authority! HE asked me to recite the missionary purpose, which thankfully I had memorized. So I was able to do that. He kept me up there, just standing next to him, while he talked about how members need to do more missionary work and help us out. Pretty intimidating but kinda cool I guess.

So things are going pretty good. My district is super close, all our areas are pretty much down the street from each other since there's so many members and we all get along really well. We call our district "Bat-Corn" because we all love batman and our DL is obssessed with corn. He says that corn is celestial and cannot be destroyed. I'm not sure where he's coming from but whatever floats his boat. 

Anyways. that's all I've got for now.

-Elder Walker

Jacob 6:12

May 20, 2014

What's so crazy?I am emailing right now... So I may not see your email for a while but thats ok. Did you Slade and Brett get my letters?

So I had a pretty weird week too, but not bad. Just weird. It started last p-day. We woke up really early to try and get everything done and then we were so tired that we literally ended up just driving in circles doing nothing. We didn't take into account that most of the stores would be closed that early, so we drove around trying to find one that was, until we just gave up and went back to our apartment to study haha. So I didn't even get any shopping done last week, because we were so exhausted that we forgot what p day was for.

A few days later we were in North Logan for some YSA work (I don't know if I mentioned this before, but we cover the YSA stake as well as the Smithfield South Stake, so technically we cover North Logan to Preston. We just usually stay in the Smithfield/Logan area.). We met with a relief society president who gave us the names of some nonmembers and less active people in the area. That was a good meeting. Afterwards, we finished earlier than we thought so we decided to check in with all the names we had been given. We went to one house where we were let in, and immediately we see tobacco cans strewn all over the ground and it just smells bad. The guy was very friendly though and talked to us for a while, till his parents and whole family came in too. That was when I noticed the loaded pistol sitting right on their tv. I started to get a little nervous, because while this is a rural place and guns are common, it's less common to see a loaded one just chilling on top of Oprah. So I finally pointed it out, and the guy goes "oh $#!+ I forgot that was there!" He grabbed it and ran off to put it away. That was a little weird. When we came back, he said "Ahhh better get that one too" and I was so confused because I didn't know that there was more guns, but he then grabbed a bag directly behind me that definitely had some kind of assault rifle or machine gun crazy thing inside of it. We talked a bit more with the family, and they basically said that they're just too lazy to get to church even though it's literally in their backyard. We decided we'd better leave them alone for now.

We also randomly got a tire punctured in our car, so we had to stop at a church and sit there and get the tire off, put the spare on, then drive and wait at the shop for it to be fixed. All in all it was about 2 hours of just sitting, waiting for our car to be fixed. We couldn't really do anything, because we were way out of our area and only there for the car. That was annoying. But you'd all be proud that I can change a tire. I didn't even know how, but apparently it's not very hard! Even Elder Walker can do it! Also, the people in Cache Valley are super nice and helpful... except for when they see you in a church parking lot, changing a tire in a suit. Then they just drive by and make fun of you.

We met another guy in that same North Logan area was legit either super on hard drugs, or just straight up insane. He pulled us over outside his house and went on about how the kid next door needs to be saved because his language is so befouled and corrupted with the swears of the world. Now, swearing is not encouraged but there is better things that missionaries can be doing than talking to every little kid and telling them not to swear. Elder Ambrose asked him what his name was, and he seriously wouldn't tell us. He just kept saying, "you don't need to know my name, it is of no importance. My name is synonomus with the church and I have already been saved." When we just said ok, we gotta go, we said that's fine "but remember, my name is the church." So weird. SO creepy and weird.

Immediately after that, a family yelled from their window "ELDERS!!! COME INSIDE!!!!" So, we did. They were really nice at first, but proved to be super weird as well. They just wanted to talk to us, and give us all this weird soup that they had made. They informed us that someone they love very much had gone to the Logan Hospital and waved around guns and ran through the halls... so naturally the police came and shot him and he's now in the hospital he was terrorizing. The crazy part though, is this family said, "We've known that man a long time and we just know that he wouldn't do that without a reason. So we are sure that even though it seems crazy, he had a very good reason for doing what he did." Elder Ambrose and I just looked at each other and said "K BYE" and literally ran straight to our car. We agreed that it would be a loooooong time until (if ever) we go back to that crazy North Logan neighborhood where we got a flat, and met some super crazy disturbing people. Don't do drugs kids, they screw you up big time.

In cooler news, we helped this guy named John B. put up drywall in his basement and through that he agreed to meet with us. He's a nonmember and is actually going to be the first nonmember I get to teach, so that'll be exciting.

Let's see............ Hmmm. I don't know what else to talk about. Crazy times. But it's tons of fun. Oooooh one more thing. Elder Ambrose is super good at guitar, like crazy good. And I'm a fairly decent singer, and word got around, so actually this sunday we are performing some stuff in sacrament meetings all over, and have permission for him play guitar. So that's kinda cool and exciting.

EVERYONE SHOULD WRITE ME LETTERS AND EMAILS please I'll be so happy I'll explode in a flaming ball of ecstasy 

-Elder Walker
Jacob 6:12

oh also tell Sister Butler to get those names of people she knows in Smithfield to me! That would actually be super cool and helpful!!!!

And another thing haha. Here are some pictures of a hike we took this morning to the wind caves in logan canyon. There's me, Elder Ambrose my companion, and Elder Jensen, who is Sister Tisdale's cousin

May 13, 2014

Sorry, for some reason Gmail won't let me send all 80 of my pictures, I can't imagine why. Oh well, here's just a few. I'll try to send more as the weeks go by!

Mission life is very good but moving very slowly. We are really struggling to find people who want to listen to us and want to be taught. That's frustrating. A lot of people will be happy to sit and talk with us and be friendly, but the minute we start talking church they shut us down. A little discouraging, but we get work done nonetheless. A lot of people need service done in their yards or around their house, and we've done so much lately. It's not exactly missionary work but it's something, and it helps people out. They feel a little bit of Christ's love and if that's all we can do for them, then so be it I suppose. 

So. Here's the deal. So many people are talking about Spider-Man 2, and it just tears me up inside. That was like my most anticipated movie for basically my entire life. What I am doing now is definitely more important than a movie, but still. It's like I have nurtured this baby for 20 years, done my best to take care of it, even through the early years when people told me that it wasn't cool to like this baby and that I was a nerd and awkward for liking, even loving it. And now, my baby has been kidnapped and paraded in front of me, and I can no longer hold my baby... I don't know if any of that makes sense. Basically, Spider-Man is my baby that has been stolen from me, and I can't do anything about it. I even have my Spider-Man 2 shirt on right now! That's pretty much as close as I can get to it. Bummer. But, I will see it eventually. And I know I will love it.

I'm sorry I don't have a ton to write about this week because of two things. One, nothing has really happened that is funny or even of note. I'm just a regular, boring missionary doing missionary things. Oh wait no. One story that is semi-funny. We were talking to some nonmemebers on the street, and I was telling them how they too can receive the blessings of the Gospel. I said, "One great way to do that is to..." And I froze. I wanted to say get baptized! But I for some reason the words just wouldn't come out. So instead I said... "Um... If you wanna fell GOd's love for you, you can do baptism?" I literally said it as a question and it was so embarrassing. Needless to say, we won't be meeting with them again.

Also, another story I just remembered. We were doing service at this old lady's yard who lives right next to the high school. I was in work clothes, not a suit, so basically a t shirt and shorts. I was digging up her destroyed front lawn and just getting rid of it so we can plant new stuff, so I was bent over and my apparently quite attractive rear end was pointing out toward the road. A car full of high school girls drove by and they slowed down, honked their horn and said "wow Elder Handsome thank you!!!" So that was embarrassing.

Well... Sorry I'm boring. Normally I feel like I have a lot more to say. Hmm... Don't be stupid. Use common sense and wisdom. Do the right thing. Be nice to your mothers. Yep. That's about it for today. everyone write to me more!!!

-Elder Walker

MTC Pictures