Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

I did hear that USA won. that is good! Honestly it's hard to not hear about the World Cup. But I still like hearing about it in emails too.

So not much has happened lately of note. We've taught a lot of lessons to those basically golden investigators from before, but that's about it. I have not much exciting stuff to report. Sorry.

Also, here's what you can do. I don't need a chess set or anything like that. Send me mandolin strings! That would honestly be so cool. I can't tell you how much I would absolutely love being constantly sent mandolin strings haha. We ate at this members house the other day. It was an older couple, late sixties I think. I'm kinda famous in the mission for playing mandolin now, so he recognized me and was like, "Elder Walker, I have something to show you!" He proceeded to pull out a legit 120 year old mandolin that was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen. He said that his grandpa played it as background music to silent movies a waaaay long time ago, like that was his job. So that was cool. I got to play it and it was the coolest thing ever.

Elder Ambrose and I arranged Jesus, Lover of My Soul for the fireside we are in. We harmonize and he plays guitar and I play mandolin. It's pretty cool I have to say. We have similar ears (musically at least) and so we've found it pretty easy to arrange cool stuff. 

Welp... That's all I got for now. Don't do drugs, stay in school. One day I'll remember to send pictures.

-Elder Walker

Ethan is a 15 year old kid we are teaching who is super amazing. we get along super well and love all the same sports. haha. But he is getting baptized on july 5th and I am so excited for that!!!


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